Oral expression techniques: A way to reduce stage frigth
Speech, Fear, Anxiety, StudentsAbstract
The objective of this research work is to reduce stage fright through the application of oral expression techniques in first year unified general high school students of a public educational unit. The approach of this work is quantitative, its design is quasi-experimental, and its type of research is descriptive. A pretest was applied to the students, followed by an intervention proposal, where each activity was evaluated by means of a checklist and ended with the application of a posttest to determine the impact of the proposal. The population was 199 students, with a non-probabilistic sampling by convenience, where 109 students of first year of high school were selected. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data analysis. The first result in the pretest was 50.46%, which shows a low level of confidence. The second result in the intervention proposal was the use of oral expression techniques, where 99.08% were obtained in the debate and dramatization, while 83.49% were obtained in the interview and exposition, showing a high level of acceptance by the students. The third result is given in the post-test and 67.90% was obtained, increasing its confidence level. It is concluded that the techniques of oral expression allow a significant decrease in stage fright.
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