Organizational climate and teacher performance: a correlational analysis
Environment, Organizational, Teacher; Performance, WorkAbstract
The purpose of this article was to analyze the influence of the organizational climate on the performance of teachers at the Unidad Educativa Particular Latino in the period 2001-18-1019. The research was of a correlational-cross-sectional type, which made it possible to establish the influence between the two aspects investigated at a given time. From a population of 45 teachers, a sample of 36 teachers was selected, to whom a survey was applied as an ad hoc instrument developed by the authors for this research and validated by consulting specialists. To determine the teaching performance, the analysis of the products of the teaching activity was used. The results obtained showed that the organizational climate in the Educational Unit is very good, when correlated with teaching performance by means of the Chi-square statistical test, with two degrees of freedom and a probability of committing a type I error of 0.10, a value of = 4,61 was obtained, so it is concluded that there is a relationship between the organizational climate and teaching performance.
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