Gamification as a teaching-learning strategy in the area of mathematics in elementary education

Gamification as a teaching-learning strategy in the area of mathematics in elementary education



Gamification, Educational strategies, Mathematics teaching


The objective of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of gamification as a teaching strategy in mathematics for elementary education. The study, with a quantitative approach and experimental design, included 107 tenth grade students from a public institution, divided into experimental and control groups. Data were collected through a satisfaction survey with the gamification methodology and a pedagogical test on first degree equations. The descriptive statistical analysis showed that 50% of the students reported good satisfaction with gamification and 35.19% rated their learning as good. Although motivation was regular for 42.59%, the same percentage evaluated positively the evaluations made. The experimental group obtained better ratings than the control group, showing significant improvements in learning. It is concluded that gamification generates a positive perception, highlighting the students' satisfaction and effective learning. However, the need to strengthen motivation, a key aspect in learning, was identified. Gamification is validated as an effective strategy in mathematics, promoting dynamic and participatory learning, although it requires adjustments to maximize its impact.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Hidalgo, G. del R., Simbaña Tupiza, L. P., Morán Ronquillo, V. D., López Bohórquez, J. A., Carrión Valle, D. P., & Idrovo Mogrovejo, A. C. (2025). Gamification as a teaching-learning strategy in the area of mathematics in elementary education. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal Ogma, 4(1), 1-11.

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