Pampering as a teaching strategy to strengthen the learning process in the initial education career

Pampering as a teaching strategy to strengthen the learning process in the initial education career



Pampering, Learning process, Initial education


This quasi-experimental study analyzes the impact of pampering as a teaching strategy on the learning of early education students. Through a pretest-posttest design with 25 students, a significant improvement was observed in the participants' scores, with an increase of 2.92 points in the mean, which demonstrates that pampering positively influences cognitive, emotional and cognitive development. social of students. The intervention also favors the strengthening of socio-emotional and communication skills, such as empathy and emotional self-regulation, essential in the training of future educators. Furthermore, mimes align with constructivist and sociocultural pedagogical approaches, such as those proposed by Piaget and Vygotsky, which highlight the importance of practical experience and social interaction in learning. In conclusion, pampering contributes to meaningful learning and the comprehensive training of students in early education.


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How to Cite

Obando Burbano, M., Estrada Realpe, K. J., Meza Arguello, D. M., Bedoya Gutiérrez, A. C., Angulo Quiñónez, O. G., & Mina Ballesteros, J. E. (2025). Pampering as a teaching strategy to strengthen the learning process in the initial education career. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal Ogma, 4(1), 50-66.

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