The development of oral expression in English: adequacy of the linguistic reproduction strategy
Oral expression, Teaching, Foreign language, Pronunciation developmentAbstract
This article focused on the use of repetition activities that promote the development of speaking skills in English. The repetitions in a mechanical and meaningful way are taken to analyze the relationship and the progress of the development of communication skills in a foreign language. This work took origin from studies already carried out which are referents for the application and use of repetition of words and phrases (patterns) as used in traditional teaching. We opted for a quantitative research approach, with regard to the population, 25 students of the second year of General Unified High School in a rural area of El Carmen canton, aged between 15 and 17 years, with a rating scale was developed with the indicators to be evaluated, which was validated by experts prior to the application of a pretest, a proposed intervention using the methodological strategy and a post-test that measured the degree of improvement. For the interpretation of the results, statistical analysis was used as a technique, concluding that the use of linguistic reproduction and the inclusion of interaction activities between teacher and students promote a better pronunciation and retention of the vocabulary of the proposed topics.
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