Literacy and its influence on the learning process
Literacy, Learning process, Strategies, Academic performanceAbstract
This research focuses on literacy and its influence on the learning process in the area of language and literature. The objective of the research is to analyze, from the perspective of students, parents and teachers, the influence of reading and writing on the learning process of students in the third year of elementary school. The methodology used was of a socio-critical nature, with a transectional-correlational scope because the important characteristics of the research were detailed through the analysis, and the relationship between the two variables was known. In order to obtain data, instruments such as the interview and the survey were applied, which were validated by experts in education in order to meet the objectives set. The main results reflect an advance in the students' reading and writing process, through the application of learning strategies such as syllable roulette, stories, dictation, tongue twisters, spelling rules, etc., which will allow reaching an appropriate level of 90% in the students' academic performance.
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