Vol. 4 No. 1 (2025): Extrapolation between theory and practice for pedagogical and systemic action.

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The interrelation between pedagogical theory and practice invites us to conceive education as a dynamic process, where ideas transcend their abstract dimension to become living foundations that guide and transform teaching action. From this perspective, pedagogy is not limited to the linear application of models, but is reconfigured according to specific contexts, needs and realities, recognizing the diversity and complexity inherent to each educational scenario. It is an integrating and cyclical act, where theoretical reflection and practical experience are intertwined to build innovative, critical and meaningful proposals that allow transforming teaching into an effective bridge between knowledge and action.

Published: 2025-01-30

  • Gamification as a teaching-learning strategy in the area of mathematics in elementary education

    Gloria del Rocío Vásquez Hidalgo, Lola Piedad Simbaña Tupiza, Vasti Dalila Morán Ronquillo, Jimmy Alexander López Bohórquez, Dianey Patricia Carrión Valle, Ana Claribel Idrovo Mogrovejo (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69516/ydhybf45
  • Problem-based learning for teaching first-degree equations in elementary education

    Lola Piedad Simbaña Tupiza, Gloria del Rocío Vásquez Hidalgo, Vasti Dalila Morán Ronquillo, Andrea Verónica Sarmiento Bravo, Vilma Margot Salazar Herrera, Cinthya Dayana Bravo Vega (Author)
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  • Oral expression techniques: A way to reduce stage frigth

    Jeniffer Thalía García Robles, Johanna Paola Núñez Puma, Johanna Elizabeth Gallardo Mestanza, Mercy Andrea Pacheco Bone, Irene Mabel Pinta Rosales, Olga Maribel Vinueza Guamán (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69516/bpxggv35
  • Techniques to strengthen reading comprehension in middle basic education

    Danny Meliton Meza Arguello, Alexandra Gualpa Álvarez, Geovanna Silvia Galarraga Berrones, Eliana Narcisa Arreaga Poveda, Martha Yajaira Sánchez Ordóñez, Fernando Miguel Casa Tinoco (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69516/szwtgc74
  • Pampering as a teaching strategy to strengthen the learning process in the initial education career

    María Obando Burbano, Kelly Johanna Estrada Realpe, Danny Meliton Meza Arguello, Ana Carminia Bedoya Gutiérrez, Olga Graciela Angulo Quiñónez, Jessica Elizabeth Mina Ballesteros (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69516/njx9bd77
  • Impact of job satisfaction on productivity in a company in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas

    Verónica Katherine Vargas Vélez, Willian René Chango Pallo, Alexandra Leonor Prado Uriarte, Janine Yolanda Enríquez Martínez, Arlis María Cedeño Espinoza, Katherine Guadalupe Velásquez Tite (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69516/01srb269
  • Relationship between job satisfaction and performance of teachers at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsáchila

    Gabriela Carolina Palacios Sangolquí, Arlis María Cedeño Espinoza, Verónica Katherine Vargas Vélez, Willian René Chango Pallo, Diego Fernando Coello Erazo, Mariela Yanet Abad Mieles (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69516/q3q5bx53
  • Design of a training and job orientation course in Moodle for ecuadorian students

    Willian René Chango Pallo, Diego Fernando Coello Erazo, Lady Jazmin Mestanza Vallejo, Juddy Solange Collaguazo Calderón, Emilia Alexandra Navarrete Gómez, Ausdrey Jessenia Cedeño Cedeño (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69516/541wde07
  • Impact of school conflict on academic performance in ecuadorian educational units

    Lisbeth Tatiana Coronel González, María Cristina Peralta Vera, Malena Iveth Jurado Álava, Erika Kassandra Verduga Ormaza, Rosa Nelly Laso Arias, Katherine Guadalupe Velásquez Tite (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.69516/htgrxx45

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