Task-based learning for language and literature teaching and learning
Task-based learning, Argumentative text, Argumentative skillsAbstract
In the educational context, the need arises to develop argumentation skills in students, which are elementary for the development of language and expression through texts of different types. Based on this, the objective of the study is to design an intervention proposal based on task-based learning for the teaching and learning of argumentation in the area of language and literature for high school. The research is based on a qualitative approach, using a documentary design. The sample was made up of 75 first year high school students distributed in three parallel A, B and C. The proposal was designed based on a planning through interactive, experiential and active sessions. In addition, the cognitive and constructivist approach was taken into consideration to guide the planned didactic process. As a result, it was possible to present a proposal adapted to the characteristics of the educational context, which conclusively implies that the task-based learning methodology needs to be applied in the area of language and literature.
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