Neurodevelopment and adhesion of emotional, social and communicative competencies in infancy and early childhood
Education, Teaching, Pedagogical practice, Life skillsAbstract
The essay delved into the impact of neuroscience in early childhood education, highlighting the influence of emotional and cognitive development in the learning process. The objective is to analyze the importance of neurodevelopment and the attachment of these competencies in the first years of life The various stages of human development, from infancy to early adulthood, were addressed, highlighting how these stages influence the acquisition of competencies. The importance of fostering emotional and social competencies in children was emphasized, and didactic strategies such as the zone of proximal development and scaffolding were proposed to achieve this. The crucial role of teacher mediation in classroom activities to create a collaborative learning environment was also underlined. In summary, the essay argued that integrating knowledge of neuroscience and emotions in educational practice is fundamental to enhance the integral development of children, preparing them to face the challenges of life.
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