Influence of the game as a didactic resource in the teaching of the subject of mathematics

Influence of the game as a didactic resource in the teaching of the subject of mathematics



This research work focuses on the importance of mathematics in basic education, especially the methodology in how this subject is taught and learned. Therefore, the objective was to analyze the students' perception of the application of games for learning mathematics. Within the methodology, it is mentioned that this study was quantitative, through the application of descriptive and explanatory research with the intention of understanding the object of study. The sample consisted of 32 students in the fourth year of basic general education and a 5-question survey was applied. The data obtained were analyzed by means of statistical tables. The results show that students have a high acceptance of the game as part of mathematics classes, so it is concluded that teachers should apply within their methodology playful didactics appropriate to the characteristics of the students.


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How to Cite

Alcívar Mata, P. J., Táquez España, E. L., Verdesoto Yucailla, G. M., Vera Fernández, L. L., Fernández Sánchez, M. L., & Maldonado Paladines, J. E. (2023). Influence of the game as a didactic resource in the teaching of the subject of mathematics. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal Ogma, 2(1), 11-20.