Change in the institutional management model based on educational research
Education, Educational research, Educational management, Teaching profesiónAbstract
This essay is proposed with the purpose of reflecting on the development of educational research in Latin America and its relation with the importance of changing the management model of educational institutions from the performance of teachers, since they are transcendental subjects to propose research processes that contribute to the autonomous and collective development of educational centers. From this perspective, it is explained how research has evolved in relation to Latin American educational problems, which faces a change of paradigm, from a rigid one controlled by governments to an autonomous and integrated one. This paradigm allows educational institutions a sustainable development based on management axes in the political-administrative, pedagogical-didactic and communicational areas. Finally, this manuscript is completed with a review of current teaching competencies. This implies a comprehensive training in conjunction with the development of research-educational processes within the institutions to meet the needs of the school context. It also means a contribution to the reflection of the Latin American education system in the socio-educational context.
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